This book will contribute to the improvement of educational work with children and young people who manifest various types of socio-pathological manifestations, as well as the theoretical study of socio-pathological manifestations and the methods and techniques of work on overcoming these conditions among children and youth. The theoretical elaboration of social problems and the introduction of their causes and consequences, as well as the search for methods for their alleviation and elimination, contributes to the development of a better educational system.Additionally, this book draws attention to the problems of social pathology and proposes a system of methods, measures, and procedures for resolving the problem of social pathology. It explains what social pathology education is, what its characteristics are, the significance of it, and the goals and tasks of raising children and youth with behavioral disorders. It explores the Social Pedagogy discipline and the types of socio-pathological phenomena along with problems in the theory and practice of it. Furthermore, it raises awareness among professionals and the public about the need and prevention of socio-pathological manifestations, and about the types, expansion, causes and consequences of their occurrence and the need for an organized social action to reduce and overcome them. Finally, this book will elaborate the characteristics of all types of children with disabilities and will present the goals and tasks established to prevent these behaviors and handle these competencies and personality traits in education. Both the prevention of these behaviors and the rehabilitation of those affected by socio-pathological manifestations is a key component to this book.