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2 Antique Miniature Leather Books: Dickens Cricket on the Hearth & Prayer Book

This is a rare find for any book collector or literature enthusiast. Two antique miniature leather books are up for grabs. The first book is an exquisite condition leather illustrated edition of Dickens' "Cricket on the Hearth" and the second is a Catholic prayer book called "Portals of Prayer." Both books were printed in the 1800s and have their origins in the United States and England. The binding of both books is made of high-quality leather, and the Dickens book is especially soft, buttery and beautiful for its age. This is a must-have for any book lover's collection.

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Place of PublicationU.S. and England
PublisherJohn C. Winston & Benziger Brothers
SubjectLiterature & Fiction
Year Printed1800
Unit TypeUnit
Special AttributesIllustrated, Miniature
TopicClassics and Religion
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States
Unit Quantity2
Character FamilyClassic

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