Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations in the Consumer Revolution, Third Edition is a blueprint for the practice of marketing communications, advertising and public relations in a digital world where the consumer has taken control.This book contributes to everything we are trying to teach our students, not just the latest in advertising techniques. In fact, the book is exceptionally comprehensive.... By focusing on core social science concepts, Quesenberry solidifies his lessons expertly. Quesenberry wraps up the text with a discussion on integrating social media across organizations and pulling his wide-ranging topics together. This conclusion demonstrates that the academic field is full of us marketing-professionals-turned-professors, and this is a text for us! It presents real-world problems in academic ways perfect for the classroom... [A]fter assigning it in the classroom, I have no doubt that my students will keep this book on their first office bookshelf. (Previous Edition Praise)- Journalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyProvides a solid foundation for introducing the complexity of social media strategy to students... [and] an outstanding introduction to the types of social media engagement and their representative platforms. ... While choosing a social media textbook often deserves the status of 'It's Complicated', any professor looking for a quality introductory textbook for social media would do well to be 'In a Relationship' with Quesenberry's contribution. (Previous Edition Praise)- Journal of Advertising EducationProfessor Quesenberry makes an important contribution in helping instructors to engage students in learning social media planning and strategy. Social Media Strategy helped my students present a real-world plan to our clients. The second edition adds important depth to the excellent framework for moving from theory to practice.- Jeremy Lipschultz, Isaacson Professor, University of Nebraska at OmahaAfter reviewing the second edition, I was impressed by the increased breadth and depth that are covered in this update. The new edition offers a thorough discussion of emerging trends in social media marketing as well as extensive coverage of platforms and topics that were just gaining momentum a few years ago, including live-streaming videos, Snapchat, Messenger, influencer marketing, and online reviews. I highly recommend Keith's book to both educators and practitioners of social media marketing alike. It is a must-have guide for anyone in the field.- Ai Zhang, Stockton University