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Sexual Ethics: An Evangelical Perspective by Mr. Stanley J. Grenz

In this biblically grounded study, Stanley Grenz synthesizes theology, ethics, and current medical research to offer an evangelical perspective on the profound role that sexuality does, and should, play in our lives today. He calls for Christians to live a biblical sexual ethic in the contemporary world, at the same calling on the church to recognize that its mandate includes being a reconciling community, one that proclaims God's grace to all.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length23 cm
Item Weight0.38 kg
Publication Year1997
Book TitleSexual Ethics: an Evangelical Perspective
Item Height229mm
AuthorMr. Stanley J. Grenz
PublisherWestminster/John Knox Press,U.S.
TopicTheology, Christianity
Item Width152mm
Number of Pages312 Pages

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