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Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline of Evangelical Ethics by O'Donovan, O.

In this truly seminal work, the Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at Oxford University illuminates the distinctive nature of Christian ethics with profound thought and massive learning. By grounding Christian ethics in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he avoids both a revealed ethics that has no contact with the created order and one that is purely naturalistic. For this second edition Professor O'Donovan has added a prologue in which he enters into dialogue with John Finnis, Martin Honecker, Karl Barth and Stanley Hauerwas. Essential reading for advanced students of theology and ethics and their teachers.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length21.9 cm
Item Weight0.31 kg
Item Width19.5 cm
Publication Year1994
Book TitleResurrection and Moral Order: an Outline of Evangelical Ethics
Item Height230mm
AuthorOliver O'donovan
PublisherInter-Varsity Press
TopicTheology, Popular Philosophy, Religious History, Christianity
Number of Pages286 Pages

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