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Reforming Healthcare: What's the Evidence? by Ian Greener (English) Paperback Bo

NHS reform continues to be a topical yet contentious issue in the UK. Reforming healthcare: What's the evidence?. is the first major critical overview of the research published on healthcare reform in England from 1990 onwards by a team of leading UK health policy academics.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleReforming Healthcare
Subject AreaMedical
Publication NameReforming Healthcare : What's the Evidence?
PublisherBristol University Press
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectPublic Health, Health Care Delivery, Health Policy
Publication Year2014
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorRussell Mannion, Barbara E. Harrington, Martin Powell, David J. Hunter, Ian Greener
Item Weight11.6 Oz
Item Width6.2 in
Number of Pages176 Pages

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