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Politics of the Event: Time, Movement, Becoming by Tom Lundborg (English) Hardco

Politics of the Event by Tom Lundborg. Despite occupying a central role and frequently being used in the study of international politics, the concept of the "event" remains in many ways unchallenged and unexplored.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitlePolitics of the Event
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Philosophy, History
Publication NamePolitics of the Event : Time, Movement, Becoming
Item Length9.5 in
SubjectHistory & Theory, World / General, Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development, General, United States / 21st Century, Political
Publication Year2012
SeriesInterventions Ser.
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorTom Lundborg
Item Weight12.8 Oz
Item Width6.4 in
Number of Pages142 Pages

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