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Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications [Hardback]

Exciting new topics include insecticidal applications, but there is a continued focus on the chemistry, pharmacology and biological activities of essential oils. The third edition unveils new chapters including the insect repellent and insecticidal activities of essential oils, the synergistic activity with antibiotics against resistant microorganisms, essential oil applications in agriculture, plant-insect interactions, and pheromones and contaminants in essential oils.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 1120 pages, 3rd Edition
AuthorK. Husnu Can Baser (Edited by)
Book TitleHandbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, a
Item Height9.67 cm
Item Length25.4 cm
Item Weight1.25 kg
Item Width17.8 cm
PublisherCRC Press Inc

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