Introduction - "How exactly, do I design?"
Pillar 01 ¿ Discover / Epoché
Terminology (lexis) of human-centered design practice.
Language is Code and Language is Strategy.
Behavioral Science / Biology / Physics
Experience / Perception / Science Fiction / Space
Artificial Intelligence / Learning Theory
Complexity Theory / Game Theory
Film Theory / Linguistics / Semiotics
Anthropology / Sociology
Mathematics / Philosophy / Poetry
Architecture / Computer Science
Design / Design Thinking / Strategy
Pillar 02 ¿ Define / Phenomenological Reduction
Methodologies that define design practice.
Building Methodologies:
Experience Design / Process Constructive (XD/PC) Theoretical Framework
Pragma-Phenome Theory Statement
Pillars of the Applied Experience Design / Process Constructive Theoretical Framework
Design Assets, Value Creation and Evaluation Criteria
Semantic Consistency and Alignment between Theory and Strategy
Development of the Methodologies
Applying the XD/PC Methodologies
Methodologies under the Pragma-Phenome Umbrella
Choose your own methodology
Consistent across all methodologies: Building the Data Space
Gamification as a Pragmatic Measure of Engagement
From Philosophy to Project
Engage In A World-Building Design Methodology
World-Building Methodology For Big, General, Undefined Issues
Engage In A Soft Systems Design Methodology
Emphasis On Systems.
Engage In An Imagist Design Methodology
Emphasis On Value.
Engage In A Pragmatist Design Methodology
Emphasis On Objects & Action.
Four Phases of the Pragma-Phenome Design Process Methodologies.
Self-Similar Phases of the Pragma-Phenome Design Process Methodologies.
Phase 01 Discover & Analyze ¿ Epoché
Phase 02 Define & Contextualize ¿ Phenomenological Reduction
Phase 03 Develop & Implement ¿ Eidetic Variation
Phase 04 Deliver & Measure ¿ Intersubjective Corroboration
Summary of Methodologies
Systemized Processes of Design Praxis
Pillar 03 ¿ Develop / Eidetic Variation
Abstracted Principles, Generalized, and Prototyped in Practice
Methodologies as Applied to Case-Studies
World-Building Methodology (Space for Everyone Virgin Orbit)
Soft Systems Design Methodology (Urban Public Safety)
Imagist Methodology (Mobility: MC2 / 2028 Olympics / Toyota)