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1886 Campfire Chats Of The Civil War. Antique Book.

Antique 1886 edition of campfire chats of the civil war. Owned by three generations of the same family. The names are listed, but they are tough to decipher. The binding is a little looser than I like my books to be, but it is fairly sturdy given its age. Visible damage to the head and tail of the spine, as well as some wear to the corners of the covers. Hinges are detached in certain places. Illustrated edition. Comes as pictured. If you have any questions for concerns, please feel free to contact me.

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Seller galahadantiquesandcoins ( 72 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Chatsworth, US, Georgia
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TopicCivil War (1861-65)
SubjectMilitary & War
Place of PublicationBoston
AuthorWashington Davis
RegionNorth America
PublisherB.B Russell
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States
Year Printed1886

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