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Your Life as an Explorer on a Viking Ship by Thomas Kingsley Troupe (English) Pa

Jeffrey Ebbeler has been creating art for children for almost a decade. He loves the creative potential of storybook art. He has given many lectures and demonstrations in grade-schools, colleges, and museums about the process of bringing words to life through pictures.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleYour Life As an Explorer on a Viking Ship
Book SeriesThe Way It Was Ser.
Item Length10 in
Publication Year2012
FormatTrade Paperback
IllustratorEbbeler, Jeffrey, Yes
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorThomas Kingsley Troupe
GenreJuvenile Nonfiction
TopicHistory / Exploration & Discovery, Transportation / Boats, Ships & Underwater Craft, History / Medieval
Item Weight0.3 Oz
Item Width8 in
Number of Pages32 Pages

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