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World War II: Abwehr (German Military Intelligence) OSS - CIA Files USB Drive

The Abwehr (German for defense) existed from 1920 to 1944. Wilhelm Canaris was the chief of the Abwehr from 1935 to 1944. The Abwehr was integrated into the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA), the Reich Main Security Office.

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Seller brio_clay ( 2472 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Fontana, US, California
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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2024
FormatUSB Drive
Subject AreaMilitary History
Publication NameWorld War II: Abwehr (German Military Intelligence) OSS - CIA Fil
AuthorBACM Research
LevelBeginner, Intermediate, Advanced
SubjectHistory, Military Intelligence, Wars, World War II

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