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Women in Aviation by Dr Diana Prince [Hardback]

This is a book about intrepid women who reach out for challenges. The women in these pages are from different backgrounds and walks of life, but they are united in their pursuit and love of flight. This book looks at many aspects of flight, from bi-planes, to skydiving, to jet pilots and astronauts. Since the ancient Icarus, immortalized in Greek legend, built wings of wax to fly into the sun, man has been fascinated with flight. There have always been risks involved, and both men and women have given their lives in their pursuit of flight and its challenges.Flight remains that last frontier. This book is a tribute to all those who look skyward with a sense of fascination. But most of all, this is a book for all women who dare to dream.

60.85$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length27.9 cm

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