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Wittgenstein's Tractatus: History and Interpretation by Peter Sullivan (English)

Title Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Peter Sullivan is a Professor at the University of Stirling where he has taught since 1993. He is the author of Sets (OUP, 1990), Reason's Nearest Kin (OUP, 2000), Set Theory and its Philosophy (OUP, 2004), and Mathematical Knowledge (edited with Mary Leng and Alexander Paseau, OUP, 2007).

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleWittgenstein's Tractatus
Subject AreaMathematics, Philosophy
Publication NameWittgenstein's Tractatus : History and Interpretation
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length9.5 in
SubjectLanguage, Individual Philosophers, General, Logic
Publication Year2013
SeriesMind Association Occasional Ser.
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorMichael Potter
Item Weight20.5 Oz
Item Width6.4 in
Number of Pages288 Pages

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