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Winged Scalpel: A Surgon at the Frontline of Disaster by Richard N. Villar (Engl

Subtitle A Surgon at the Frontline of Disaster. Readers are given a no-holds-barred introduction to a world which the vast majority will have only scant knowledge of. From his own point of view, the author's experiences prove that 'you can take a man out of the SAS, but you cannot take the SAS out of the man'.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleWinged Scalpel
Publication Year2013
Publication NameWinged Scalpel
Item Height229 mm
AuthorRichard N. Villar
PublisherPen & Sword Books LTD
SubjectNursing, Government, History, Healthcare System
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages224 Pages

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