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Wilhelm Tell Novel in German - Copywright 1817 - Novel

This is a rare copy of Wilhelm Tell, a classic novel in German literature. Published in 1817, this edition is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts alike. The pages are filled with the captivating story of Tell, a Swiss farmer who fought for his country's independence from the Austrian Empire. The book is in great shape and is a perfect addition to any book collection. The copywright from 1817 adds to its historical value. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this piece of literature history.

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Seller screengraph ( 541 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Pekin, US, Illinois
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ConditionBook has been written in . - Several pages have come loose from binding.
Publication Year1817
Book TitleWilhelm Tell
AuthorFriedrich Schiller

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