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Who Am I - Knowing Your Identity in Christ by Stephanie Gonzalez [Paperback]

Finding one's identity is not always an easy journey, and many times it leads to heartbreak and confusion. This world will always attempt to label and place a person into an identity box that limits a person's ability to live free. Finding our identity in Christ and in everything He has done for us liberates us to fulfill the calling He has placed on each and every one of us. When we find our identity in the One who never changes, we find stability in life and a freedom to fulfill everything in life that we are called to do. When we do not find our identity in Him, we will be shaken and lost as life changes. Finding our true identity should be one of our biggest goals in life! Knowing who we are in Christ establishes a foundation for everything in our life to grow on.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm

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