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What's in the Picture?: Take a Closer Look at Over 20 Famous Paintings by Susie

What's in this picture made of squiggles and spots?. What's on the table, laid out for a fabulous feast?. With paintings by Van Gogh, Grant Wood, Aboriginal artist Nym Bunduk, and many more, this playful search-and-find book invites children to explore and interact with art.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleWhat's in the Picture? : Take a Closer Look at over 20 Famous Paintings
PublisherRoaring Brook Press
Item Length11.1 in
Publication Year2019
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorSusie Brooks
GenreJuvenile Nonfiction
TopicArt / General
Item Weight16.6 Oz
Item Width9.1 in
Number of Pages48 Pages

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