What You Really Need to Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training : An Essential Guide, Paperback by Mcquaid, Cathy, ISBN 0415813344, ISBN-13 9780415813341, Brand New, Free shipping in the USMcQuaid offers this guide to the various psychotherapeutic modalities and licensing options for aspiring professionals entering the field of counseling, with a perspective centered on the UK. The first chapter presents definitions of counseling and psychotherapy, theories of learning, and advice on how to choose an appropriate starting course. A summary of selected common modalities and a review of requirements for diplomas and certifications come next. Several chapters then focuses on the personal impact of psychotherapeutic training, drawing on interviews with people who completed or aborted a course of training. The impact on personal relationships, self-discovery, necessary skills and congruent motivations, and difficulties of high workloads and intellectual challenges are discussed. Practical issues of cost, accreditation, and finding initial employment are covered, with the final chapter summarizing the entire consideration-decision process. Appendices provide contact information for relevant organizations and suggested templates for beginning training records. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR ()