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What Should Danny Do? on Vacation -- Adir Levy - Hardcover

8 stories in 1! Danny is back in an all new adventure! In this follow up to the #1 Amazon Best Seller, What Should Danny Do?, your children will get to decide how Danny's day at school will end! Children love being able to make all the choices and control the outcome of the book, while parents and teachers love the lessons the book teaches! Try to reach all 8 endings! #SchoolDay. Boys and girls both love and relate to Danny, while enjoying the interactive nature of the book--they never know what will come next! Parents and Teachers love the social-emotional skills the book teaches through empowering kids to make positive choices while demonstrating the natural consequences to negative choices. A must-have on every bookshelf.

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ConditionBrand New
Genre 1Books,Subjects,Children's Books,Growing Up & Facts of Life,Friend
LabelElon Books
ArtistLevy, Ganit
AlbumWhat Should Danny Do? on Vacation! (The Power to Choose)
Publication Year2020
Book TitleWhat Should Danny Do? on Vacation : Featuring the Power to Choose
IllustratorSadler, Mat
AuthorAdir Levy, Ganit Levy
PublisherElon Books
GenreJuvenile Fiction

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