What does Christianity have to do with ordinary life? Is there a biblical perspective on our work or recreation or whatever we do? If so, how can we gain that perspective? Many people seek to have a biblical view of life, yet fail to apply that biblical mindset, or worldview, to all parts of their lives. Ryken reveals the basis of the Christian worldview and describes how it affects one's view of God, creation, the family, work, the arts, and other issues. 64 pages, softcover from P & R Publishing. /* FONTS AND COLORS */ body h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 .navbar a, .navbar a:active, .navbar a:hover, .navbar a:visited .product-specs .product-specs td .attr-left .attr-right div.footer .navbar-default .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a /* LAYOUT - CHANGING THESE WILL AFFECT THE SIZE AND LAYOUT OF YOUR AD TEMPLATE */ /* Responsive Columns */ .col-md-6 .col-md-12 .container @media (min-width:768px) .col-md-12, .col-md-6 .col-md-6 } @media (min-width:992px) .col-md-12,.col-md-6 .col-md-6 } @media (min-width:1200px) .col-md-12,.col-md-6 .col-md-6 } .img-responsive /* Responsive Navigation Bar */ .nav .nav:before, .nav:after .nav:after .nav:before, .nav:after .nav:after .nav > li .nav > li > a .nav > li > a:hover, .nav > li > a:focus .nav > li > a > img .navbar @media (min-width:768px) } .navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after .navbar-header:after .navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after .navbar-header:after @media (min-width:768px) } .navbar-collapse .navbar-collapse:before, .navbar-collapse:after .navbar-collapse:after .navbar-collapse:before, .navbar-collapse:after .navbar-collapse:after .navbar-collapse.in @media (min-width:768px) .navbar-collapse.collapse .navbar-collapse.in } @media (min-width:768px) } .navbar-brand .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-brand:focus @media (min-width:768px) } .navbar-nav .navbar-nav > li > a @media (min-width:768px) .navbar-nav > li .navbar-nav > li > a .navbar-nav.navbar-right:last-child } @media (min-width:768px) .navbar-right } What Is the Christian Worldview? (Basics of the Faith)
What does Christianity have to do with ordinary life? Is there a biblical perspective on our work or recreation or whatever we do? If so, how can we gain that perspective? Many people seek to have a biblical view of life, yet fail to apply that biblical mindset, or worldview, to all parts of their lives. Ryken reveals the basis of the Christian worldview and describes how it affects one's view of God, creation, the family, work, the arts, and other issues. 64 pages, softcover from P & R Publishing.