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What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide through the End of This Age

Max takes you on a well-researched overview of what God's Word says, exploring the following four big ideas that provide a solid foundation for understanding God's eternal plan Whether you find yourself in the "I can't wait," "I'm almost ready," or "I'm not sure about all of this" camp, you will be encouraged to ponder God's promises for the future.

19.27$ Buy It Now

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Seller thegameexpo ( 2716 ⭐ ) 99.7%
Location: Denver, US, Colorado
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GuaranteeeBay Money Back Guarantee
ConditionBrand New
PublisherThomas Nelson (August 13, 2024)
Dimensions6.4 x 0.98 x 9.52 inches
Item Weight15.2 ounces
Hardcover256 pages

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