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VON HAAG, MICHAEL Alexandria : city of memory / Michael Haag 2004 Hardcover

Physical description; xiv, 368 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. Notes; Includes bibliographical references (p. 331-354) and index. Contents; The capital of memory -- 1. A tram with a view -- 2. Alexandria from the inside -- 3. If love is eternal -- 4. High society: a history and a guide -- 5. Mixed doubles as usual -- 6. Personal landscape -- 7. Mirrors -- 8. Prospero's tower -- 9. The unburied city -- A passage from Alexandria. Subjects; Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan) 1879-1970. Cavafy, Constantine 1863-1933. Durrell, Lawrence 1912-1990. Alexandria (Egypt) History 20th century. Alexandria (Egypt) Social life and customs. Alexandria (Egypt) Intellectual life. Check out our eBay shop! With over 250,000 hand-picked First edition, Antiquarian and out-of-print titles in an exhaustive range of subject.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleAlexandria : city of memory / Michael Haag
Number of Pages384 Pages
Publication NameAlexandria: City of Memory
PublisherYale University Press
Publication Year2004
Item Height234 mm
Item Weight1164 g
Subject AreaBiographies & True Stories
AuthorMichael Haag
Item Width189 mm

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