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Vintage Rare Baby Dear Linen Book 1948 Marguerite Gayer/Saalfield Pub

This vintage baby book titled "Baby Dear" is a rare find for collectors and enthusiasts alike. Published in 1948 by Saalfield Publishing Co. in Akron, OH, this original linen book measures 12.5" x 9.5" and is beautifully illustrated by Marguerite Gayer. The book is a perfect addition to any collection of nursery books and is sure to delight with its softcover wraps. The book is written in English and contains special attributes such as being illustrated and original. It is a perfect gift for those interested in vintage books and Marguerite Gayer's artwork. The book is a great addition to any collection and is a rare find for those searching for unique and interesting books.

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BindingSoftcover, Wraps
Place of PublicationAkron, OH
Size12.5” x 9.5”
PublisherSaalfield Publishing Co.
Year Printed1948
IllustratorMarguerite Gayer
Book materialLinen
Special AttributesIllustrated
AuthorMarguerite Gayer
RegionNorth America
TopicNursery Books
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States

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