I am listing multiple books, new listings most every week. If you buy multiple listings I will combine them into 1 package if possible and give you a discounted total S&H cost. A recent example is a person who bought 5 listings who saved $15 on the total order's shipping charges. If a listing sells for $10+ I will ship them in a box. Purchasing multiple listings would almost always meet this criterion. The cost of shipping per book goes down the more I can ship in 1 package. FYI.The Gryphon Trilogy (Witch World sub-series)The Crystal Gryphon Mass Market Paperback – October 1, 1973 DAW Books 1st/1st by Andre Norton (Author)4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 313 ratings Book 3 of 7: Witch World: High Hallack CycleIt is the story of Kerovan, half-human, half-something-else, who sought his rightful heritage to the throne of Ulm at a time when strange sea invaders were shattering the old kingdoms and equally enigmatic manifestations of the Old Ones were coming again to interfere with humanity.Gryphon in Glory (Witch World: The Gryphon Saga) Mass Market Paperback – May 1, 1983 Del Rey Books by Andre Norton (Author), Laurence Schwinger (Illustrator) 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 258 ratings Book 4 of 7: Witch World: High Hallack CycleUnrest fills the Dales as Joisan sets out from her refuge to seek out her husband, Kerovan, journeying on a secret mission in the Waste where the evil powers of the Dark threaten on every hand. Companion to the earlier book, The Crystal Gryphon.Gryphon's Eyrie (Witch World: The Gryphon Saga) Paperback – January 1, 1985 FIRST MASS MARKET PRINTING by Andre Norton (Author) 4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 261 ratings Book 6 of 7: Witch World: High Hallack Cycle. March 1985 TOR paperback, Andre Norton and Judith Mitchell and A.C. Crispin. The urge within him is overwhelming, and Kerovan--he of the cloven hooves and amber eyes--is driven toward the mountains--toward the dark. With him goes the Lady Joisan, who carries within her secrets unknown to Kerovan.Witch World booksThe Magestone Mass Market Paperback – May 1, 1996 by Andre Norton (Author), Mary H. Schaub (Author)4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 48 ratingsWarlock of the Witch World Mass Market Paperback – 1967 Ace 87321 by Andre Norton (Author)4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 19 ratingsThree Against the Witch World Mass Market Paperback – 1965 ACE 80801 by Andre Norton (Author)5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratingsTales of the Witch World 1 by Norton, Andre (1989) Mass Market Paperback by Andre Norton (Author)4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 15 ratingsAn array of fantasy tales, includes works by Norton, Robert Bloch, Elizabeth Scarborough, A. C. Crispin, Ardath Mayhar, and Robert E. Andre Norton. On the Shaping of Ulm's Heir. Robert Bloch. Heir Apparent. Wilanne Schneider Belden. Fenneca. A. C. Crispin. Bloodspell. Charles de Lint. The White Road. Marylois Dunn. Cat and the Other. Pauline M. Griffin. Oath-Bound. James R. Heidbrink. Of Ancient Swords and Evil Mist. Caralyn Inks. Nine Words in Winter. Mercedes Lackey. Werehunter. Ardath Mayhar. Neither Rest nor Refuge. Sasha Miller. To Rebuild the Eyrie. Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Milk from a Maiden's Breast. Mary H. Schaub. Night Hound's Moon. Carol Sverance. Isle of Illusion. Kiel Stuart. Green in High Hallack. Robert E. Vardeman. The Road of Dreams and Death.