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Unseen: Uncovering the Invisible Wounds of Military Trauma by Elisa Escalante (E

Elisa Escalante grew up in Texas and California throughout most of her childhood. After her active-duty career ended in 2014, Elisa moved to New York City after being accepted to NYU Silver School of Social Work.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleUnseen
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Subject AreaSelf-Help, Psychology, Medical
Publication NameUnseen : Uncovering the Invisible Wounds of Military Trauma
AuthorElisa Escalante
PublisherMorgan James Publishing
Item Length8 in
SubjectPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd), Internal Medicine, Mental Health, Psychopathology / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages174 Pages

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