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Universal Formulas in Integral and Fractional Differential Calculus [Hardback]

This reference book presents unique and traditional analytic calculations, and features more than a hundred universal formulas where one can calculate by hand enormous numbers of definite integrals, fractional derivatives and inverse operators. Despite the great success of numerical calculations due to computer technology, analytical calculations still play a vital role in the study of new, as yet unexplored, areas of mathematics, physics and other branches of sciences. Readers, including non-specialists, can obtain themselves universal formulas and define new special functions in integral and series representations by using the methods expounded in this book. This applies to anyone utilizing analytical calculations in their studies.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 296 pages
AuthorNamsrai, Khavtgai (Mongolian Academy Of Sciences,
Item Height1.8 cm
Item Length24.4 cm
Item Weight0.68 kg
Item Width17 cm
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Company

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