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Understanding Celiac Disease: An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

As the market for gluten free foods continues to grow and change, many people are turning to a gluten free lifestyle for a number of reasons. Some people, however, are diagnosed with celiac disease, which is more than just a gluten sensitivity. For people with celiac disease, eating is often uncomfortable and sometimes painful; children with the disease often experience difficulties gaining weight. Understanding Celiac Disease explores the underlying causes, explains the biology, details the methods for diagnosis, and describes the symptoms and potential treatments. In easy to understand language, Dr. Naheed Ali helps demystify the subject for those who suffer, those who suspect they might suffer, and those who help care for those diagnosed with celiac disease.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.6 cm
Publication Year2016
Publication NameUnderstanding Celiac Disease: an Introduction for Patients and Caregivers
Item Height230 mm
AuthorNaheed Ali
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
SubjectMedicine, Nursing
Item Weight490 g
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages332 Pages

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