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Travels of Ibn Battuta - 9781850770350

ISBN-13: 9781850770350, 978-1850770350. Author(s): Ibn Batuta, Ibn Battutah, S. Lee. He eventually settled in Fez in 1354 where he began to write an account of his travels. Moreover, the 'Travels' have retained their compelling fascination despite the passage of centuries.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year1984
Book TitleTravels of Ibn Battuta: Translated from the Abridge Arabic Manuscript Copies, Preserved in the Public Library of Cambridge with Notes, Illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities, &c. Occurring Throughout the Work
Item Height220mm
AuthorIbn Batuta, Ibn Battutah
PublisherDarf Publishers LTD
TopicLiterary Theory
Item Width140mm
Number of Pages264 Pages

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