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Traumatic Scar Tissue Management: Principles and Practice for Manual Therapy

The management of scar tissue is a huge and growing problem for massage and other manual therapists. Research has showed that appropriate massage treatment can have significant results both physically and psychologically. Existing books have chapters on the problem but there is no practical manual available on the subject at the present time which tells the therapist what to do (and what not to do). This book fills that gap, explaining the physiologic and pathophysiologic background, and providing practical guidance about how to help patients.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 296 pages
AuthorSmith, Nancy Keeney
Book TitleTraumatic Scar Tissue Management: Principles and P
Item Height1.8 cm
Item Length24.4 cm
Item Weight0.44 kg
Item Width18.6 cm
PublisherHandspring Publishing Limited

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