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Transnational Solidarity: Anticolonialism in the Global Sixties by Zeina Maasri

Transnational Solidarity by Zeina Maasri, Cathy Bergin, Francesca Burke. Author Zeina Maasri, Cathy Bergin, Francesca Burke. The book traces the ways in which solidarity was conceived, imagined and enacted in the border crossings - of nation, race and class - made by grassroots activists.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleTransnational Solidarity
Subject AreaPolitical Science, History
Publication NameTransnational Solidarity : Anticolonialism in the Global Sixties
PublisherManchester University Press
Item Length8.5 in
SubjectPolitical Ideologies / Radicalism, Modern / 20th Century, Social History, General
Publication Year2022
SeriesRacism, Resistance and Social Change Ser.
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorCathy Bergin
Item Weight21.3 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages392 Pages

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