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Touchy-feely Nativity (Usborne Touchy Feely Books), Fiona Watt, Used; Very Good

This board book is a delightful addition to any child's library. Written by a group of mixed authors, including Fiona Watt, this touchy-feely book is perfect for little ones who love to explore the world around them. With its engaging illustrations by Rachel Wells, this book is sure to captivate young readers.The book's topic is all about books, and it is a great choice for children and young adults who love to read. The publication year is unknown, but the book is in excellent shape and has been well-loved. If you're looking for a fun and interactive book for your child, Touchy-feely Nativity is the perfect choice.

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Publication YearUnknown
FormatBoard Book
Publication NameTouchy-feely Nativity (Usborne Touchy Feely Books)
Book TitleTouchy feeley
IllustratorRachel Wells
AuthorFiona Watt, Mixed Authors, Mixed
PublisherUsborne Publishing LTD
GenreChildren & Young Adults

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