Complete 1937 original edition of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the worldwide best seller for over 80 years focused on wealth building. In fifteen chapters, Hill describes how each of us shapes the events around us, creating much of the positive riches in our own lives. Think and Grow Rich lessons include the "Faith," "Persistence," and "Imagination." Hill teaches, for the first time, the famous Andrew Carnegie formula for money-making, based upon the proven steps to riches. Organized through 25 years of research, in collaboration with more than 500 distinguished men of great wealth, who proved by their own achievements that this philosophy is practical. No student of thought should be without this historic book. This complete version is provided in a slim volume with all 15 chapters at an affordable price. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: DESIRE CHAPTER 3: FAITH CHAPTER 4: AUTO-SUGGESTION CHAPTER 5: SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE CHAPTER 6: IMAGINATION CHAPTER 7: ORGANIZED PLANNING CHAPTER 8: DECISION CHAPTER 9: PERSISTENCE CHAPTER 10: POWER OF THE MASTER MIND CHAPTER 11: THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATION CHAPTER 12: THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CHAPTER 13: THE BRAIN CHAPTER 14: THE SIXTH SENSE CHAPTER 15: HOW TO OUTWIT THE SIX GHOSTS OF FEAR
Napoleon Hill was an early life-coach. Born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia, he first worked as a secretary, a "mountain reporter" for a local newspaper, a manager of a coal mine and a lumber yard. However, his life changed when he got the job as a journalist for Bob Taylor's Magazine where he became the protégé of steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, the richest man of his time and author of How to Win Friends and Influence People. Under Carnegie's guidance, Hill interviewed the greatest industrialists and self-made millionaires of the era to discover the principles that guided them to success. Twenty years of research later, Hill described the secrets he learnt in Think and Grow Rich, the classic guide and all-time bestseller for success in money-making endeavours. Hill authored over 30 books and acted as an informal adviser to Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The motivational pioneer died in 1970, but his wisdom lives on in Think and Grow Rich, which has sold an estimated 100 million copies worldwide.