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There Will Be War Mass Market Paperbound Jerry Pournelle

This is a book titled "There Will Be War" by Jerry Pournelle. Published in 1983 by Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom&Co, it is a science fiction novel with a general theme. The book is in a mass market paperbound format and contains 352 pages. It also has special attributes as EX-LIBRARY. The book weighs 11.1 Oz and has a height of 6.8in, width of 4.1in, and length of 0.8in. The publication year is 1983 and the language used in the book is English.

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Publication NameDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom
Special AttributesEX-LIBRARY
Book TitleThere Will Be War
Book SeriesThere Will Be War Ser.
PublisherDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom&Co
Item Length0.8 in
Publication Year1983
FormatMass Market
Item Height6.8 in
AuthorJerry Pournelle
TopicScience Fiction / General
Item Weight11.1 Oz
Item Width4.1 in
Number of Pages352 Pages

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