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Themes in Old Testament Theology: A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding

Studying the New Testament without a background in the Old is like listening to only the last movement of a great symphony. Unless we begin at the beginning, we miss the sense of developing themes and their subtle variations. To fully appreciate the music of the Bible, we need to listen to its early movements. William Dyrness helps us by providing a set of program notes to important Old Testament themes: the self-revelation of God, the nature of God, creation and providence, man and woman, sin, covenant, law, worship, piety, ethics, wisdom, the Spirit of God, prophecy and the hope of Israel. By attuning our ears to these themes, Dyrness sets us on a course of enriching study and increased understanding.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Height1.9 cm
Item Length20.8 cm
Item Weight0.25 kg
Item Width13.5 cm
Publication Year1979
Book TitleThemes in Old Testament Theology
AuthorWilliam A. Dyrness
PublisherInterVarsity Press
TopicReligious History
Number of Pages252 Pages

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