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The Worst Witch Saves the Day; The Worst Witch to the Rescue and The Worst

The Worst Witch to the Rescue. Mildred Hubble is the worst witch at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches - she's always getting her spells wrong. But she manages to get by until she turns Ethel, the teacher's pet, into her deadly enemy.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Height2.5 cm
Item Length14.2 cm
Item Weight0.17 kg
Item Width12.5 cm
Publication Year2014
FormatAudio CD
Book TitleThe Worst Witch Saves the Day; The Worst Witch to the Rescue and The Worst Witch and the Wishing Star
Book SeriesThe Worst Witch
AuthorJill Murphy
PublisherPenguin Random House Children's United Kingdom
GenreChildren & Young Adults, Fantasy

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