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The Worst Person in the World (Criterion Collection) [New DVD] Subtitled

Her search for answers over the course of four years, as she juggles affairs with an older graphic novelist (Anders Danielsen Lie) and a fellow millennial barista (Herbert Nordrum), propels Joachim Trier's lauded romantic character study; Hans Olav Brenner, Helene Bjørneby co-star.

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ConditionBrand New
BrandCriterion Collection
ActorRenate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum,
Film/TV TitleThe Worst Person in the World (Criterion Collection)
Release Year2021
Run Time127 min.
GenreComedy Video
Movie/TV TitleThe Worst Person in the World (Criterion Collection)
StudioCriterion Collection

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