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The Wealth of Nations: Introduction by D. D. Raphael and John Bayley by Adam Smi

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, D.D. Raphael, John Bayley. Author Adam Smith, D.D. Raphael, John Bayley. Adam Smith was born in a small village in Kirkcaldy, Scotland in 1723. He entered the University of Glasgow at age fourteen, and later attended Balliol College at Oxford.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleWealth of Nations : Introduction by D. D. Raphael and John Bayley
Book SeriesEveryman's Library Classics Ser.
PublisherKnopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Item Length8.4 in
Publication Year1991
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorAdam Smith
GenreBusiness & Economics, History
TopicUnited States / Revolutionary Period (1775-1800), Economic History, Economics / General, Economics / Theory
Item Weight24.4 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages624 Pages

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