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The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley's Theology

Taking its title from one of John Wesley's most important sermons, The Scripture Way of Salvation explores the soteriological content of Wesley's entire literary corpus (sermons, letters, theological treatises, journals, and the notes on the Old and New Testaments). Fundamentally a doctrinal study, it is historically sensitive to the subtle shifts and nuances of Wesley's continuing reflections about the processes of salvation and the nature of Christian life. Collins provides a clear discussion of Wesley's emerging views about the development and maturation of Christian life, and in so doing highlights the essential structure that undergirds and provides the framework for Wesley's way of thinking about the processes of salvation.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.8 cm
Publication Year1997
Book TitleThe Scripture Way of Salvation: Heart of Wesley's Theology
Item Height229mm
AuthorKenneth Collins
PublisherAbingdon Press
TopicTheology, Christianity
Item Width152mm
Item Weight384g
Number of Pages258 Pages

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