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The Quest for Reality: Bohr and Wittgenstein - two complement... - 9780199603589

ISBN-13: 9780199603589, 978-0199603589. In this book, quantum theorist Stig Stenholm presents Bohr and Wittgenstein, in physics and in philosophy, as central. Each of them took up the challenge of replacing apparent order and certainty with a provisional understanding based on limited concepts in constant flux.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Quest for Reality: Bohr and Wittgenstein - two complementa...
Publication Year2011
Publication NameThe Quest for Reality: Bohr and Wittgenstein-Two Complementary Views
Item Height235 mm
AuthorStig Stenholm
PublisherOxford University Press
SubjectScience, Physics
Item Weight508 g
Item Width153 mm
Number of Pages232 Pages

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