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The Public and Its Problems by John Dewey - 1927 First Edition Hardcover

This is a vintage hardcover copy of "The Public and Its Problems" by John Dewey, published by Henry Holt and Company in 1927. The book is in its original English language and is a first edition. It is a nonfiction narrative type that explores political ideologies. The book is not signed or ex libris. The topic of the book is about the public and its problems, making it a relevant read for anyone interested in political theory. This book is a great addition to any collection and is perfect for those who appreciate vintage books.

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ConditionNo Annotations or Underlined Passages - Check Pics For Detailed Exterior View
Book TitleThe Public and Its Problems
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeNonfiction
PublisherHenry Holt and Company
Original LanguageEnglish
EditionFirst Edition
Publication Year1927
AuthorJohn Dewey
TopicPolitical Ideologies

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