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The Natural History of Selborne by Gilbert White - Folio Society c.1965

A stunning folio society edition of The Natural History of Selborne . First published in 1789 this is an interesting book on the nature of around Selborne. by Gilbert White, with introduction and notes by W.S. Scott.

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ConditionA stunning folio society edition of The Natural History of Selborne,by Gilbert White, with introduction and notes by W.S. Scott, and text populated with drawings by John piper.Published by the folio society in 1962, this is a third impression from 1965Features an hard slip case, illustrated cloth bound hardback with gilt title on the spine, and illustrated with location sketches throughout the book. First published in 1789 this is an interesting book on the nature of around Selborne, passionate naturalist and ornithologist he puts forward observations, on the relationships of man and nature that were incredibly forward thinking, So much so that it has remained in print for over 200 years.Book is in very good condition, there is a little yellowing of the spine, and some fading of the slip case from storage, but otherwise excellent, as shown in the pictures. All proceeds from this sale go to charity, supporting the work of the Devon Air Ambulance.
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Non-Fiction SubjectNatural History
Special AttributesIllustrated
AuthorGilbert White
PublisherFolio Society
Year Printed1965

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