THE BOOK THE SCIENTOLOGISTS TRIED TO BANApparently this is the first book written by an ex-Scientologist and the first that Scientology tried to ban. Which they failed to do magnificently, thereby giving the book much more publicity than the author could ever have dreamed of.
The author's experience of Scientology stretches over a period of 14 years from when it was a little known and interesting form of psychotherapy, to September 1968 when he was declared an S.P. (Suppressive Person). This meant that he was considered 'Fair Game'. As Sir Elwyn Jones Q.C. said in the recent Scientology libel case, S.Ps. 'could be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist. He could be tricked, sued or lied to, or destroyed.' The direct cause of this action was the breakdown of the author's marriage and separation of his children.
Mr. Vosper, who was a senior official at the Scientology H.Q. at Saint Hill, East Grinstead, Sussex, believes that it is time for a close and accurate inspection of Scientology so that people know the full facts before they consider joining it.
This is less a book than a stick of dynamite. Never before has there been an inside report on Scientology. The public have, so far, only vague newspaper reports and rumours to put against the sophisticated propaganda of the Scientologists.
In Scientology, sometimes conveniently referred to as the Church of Scientology, the former science-fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard has constructed a world-wide network of organisations in such a manner as '... to pull the society under us'. Meaning that his long-term goal is for the entirety of the human race to be controlled, albeit benevolently, by him and his followers.
Unlike other fads and eccentricities of the past, Scientology is not a purely comic subject that appeals to those who need some sort of belief. It is far more comprehensive and frequently harmful.
First published in Great Britain byNeville Spearman Limited112 Whitfield Street, London, W1P 6DP
© Cyril Vosper 1971
SBN 85435 061 6
Set in 11pt Pilgrim 2pt leaded and printed by the Northumberland Press Ltd., Gateshead, Durham. Bound by W & H Rawlinson, London.
Rare book---good reading copy