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The Mercy IN Padre Pio Of Stefano Bell 2016 San Paolo Editions

Mercy in Padre Pio: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina was a great witness of Mercy. As a confessor, Padre Pio welcomed hundreds of thousands of pensitentities from all over the world, with a particular style but capable of entering the heart and leading to repentance. The friar of Pietrelcina carried out a divine mandate - that of "snatching souls captivated by Satan to win them to Christ" - made even more evident by the signs, stigmata and other gifts warmly welcomeditto. But he was also the man of concrete Mercy, a promoter of great social works - such as the Home for the Relief of Suffering - designed precisely to support the needy in the most difficult moments. The vita of Padre Pio is thus an unraveling of Mercy in its numerous and varied forms and concretizations. Because of this Pope frances.

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Year of publication2016
date of publication2016
Name della publicationMercy in Padre Pio
PublisherSan Paolo Editions
AuthorStefano Campanella

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