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The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Volume 4: Reconstruction and

"Reconstruction and After," the fourth volume of the collected works of Frederick Douglass, brings together for the first time his writings and speeches during the crucial period, 1865-1895. These years are also covered in the section of Dr. Foner's full-scale biography of Douglass which appears in this volume. The present volume brings out Douglass' fight to give meaning to the Union victory in the Civil War by guaranteeing economic, political, and civil freedom to the Negro people. He was an outstanding leader in the campaign for the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments and, when they were ratified, continued to battle to make these laws effective. His writings have a contemporary ring.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Length20.3 cm
Book TitleThe Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Volume 4: Reconstruction and after
PublisherInternational Publishers Co Inc.,U.S.
Publication Year2020
Item Height203mm
AuthorFrederick Douglass
GenreBiographies & True Stories
TopicSocial Sciences, History
Item Width133mm
Item Weight649g
Number of Pages576 Pages

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