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The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe

This hardcover book, published by Jupiter Books in 1976, is a first edition of "The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe". It features short stories by the renowned author, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, Harry Clarke, Manet, Dore etc. The book is in English and intended for adults, with a horror genre and illustration topic. The book is not personalised, inscribed or ex libris, and does not come with any of these features. It is a great addition to any book collection, especially for fans of Edgar Allan Poe and horror fiction.

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Book TitleThe Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeFiction
Original LanguageEnglish
PublisherJupiter Books
Intended AudienceAdults
EditionFirst Edition
Publication Year1976
TypeShort Stories
IllustratorArthur Rackham, Harry Clarke, Manet, Dore etc
AuthorEdgar Allan Poe
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited Kingdom

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