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The Heroes; by Charles Kingsley GOOD

"The Heroes" by Charles Kingsley is a retelling of famous Greek myths intended for children. Originally published in 1856, the book narrates the stories of three renowned heroes: Perseus, who slays the Gorgon Medusa; the mighty Heracles (Hercules) and his twelve labors; and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece with the Argonauts. Kingsley’s aim is to introduce young readers to classical mythology in an engaging and accessible manner, blending educational content with adventure and moral lessons. His storytelling is vivid and captivating, making ancient myths come alive for a new generation. This item is in good condition - minor wear on the edges. The pages are in great shape.

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Publication Year1968
Book TitleThe Heroes
Item Height.825in
AuthorCharles Kingsley
Item Length11.25in
PublisherClassic Press, Inc
Item Width8.5in
Number of Pages215

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