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The Germans and the Dieppe Raid: How Hitler's Wehrmacht Crushed Operation Jubile

The author throws new light on the Raid. Written from the Nazi perspective, an original angle. The German part in the 19 August 1942 Dieppe raid has largely been ignored. Launched by Winston Churchill to appease his Soviet counterparts, Operation JUBILEE was one of the Allies' greatest debacles of the war.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2023
Book TitleGermans and the Dieppe Raid : How Hitler's Wehrmacht Crushed Operation Jubilee
AuthorJames Shelley
PublisherPen & Sword Books The Limited
Item Length9.2 in
TopicEurope / Germany, Military / World War II, Europe / Great Britain / 20th Century
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages248 Pages

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