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The Europeanisation of English Tort Law by Professor Paula Giliker (English) Har

By Professor Paula Giliker, Paula Giliker. Tort law is often regarded as the clearest example of traditional common law reasoning. EU Directives have led to changes to the law relating to product liability, health and safety in the workplace, and defamation, while Francovich liability introduces a new tort imposing State liability for breach of EU law.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Europeanisation of English Tort Law
Subject AreaCivil Law
Publication NameThe Europeanisation of English Tort Law
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Publication Year2014
SeriesHart Studies in Private Law
Item Height234 mm
AuthorProfessor Paula Giliker
Item Weight546 g
Item Width156 mm
Number of Pages262 Pages

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