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The Constitution of Romania: A Contextual Analysis by Bianca Selejan-Gutan (Engl

The Constitution's grey areas, as well as the gap between the written constitution and the living one, will also be explained through the prism of recent events that cast a negative shadow upon the democratic nature of the Romanian constitutional system.The first chapters present a brief historical overview and an introduction to Romanian constitutional culture, as well as to the principles and general features of the 1991 Constitution.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Constitution of Romania
Subject AreaConstitutional Law
Publication NameThe Constitution of Romania: a Contextual Analysis
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Publication Year2016
SeriesConstitutional Systems of the World
Item Height216 mm
AuthorBianca Selejan-Gutan
Item Weight385 g
Item Width138 mm
Number of Pages296 Pages

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